14 activities that help kids learn about sustainability

Teaching future generations about sustainability has never been more important.

If we can show children the importance of protecting the environment, they will undoubtedly play an integral role in making our planet more sustainable and healthy.

Environmental education also helps build creative thinking, relationship skills and leadership qualities.

Here are 14 activities to do with children to help spark their interest in, and get involved with, sustainability.

1. Pick your own fruit and flowers

This is such a great way to be outdoors and be active, whilst also supporting local producers. There are many seasonal ‘pick your own’ locations around Basel.

2. Help at a local farm

There are lots of fun activities like feeding animals and raking hay that encourage children to understand how farms work. Or, just observing the animals in their paddocks can be just as interesting for little ones.

3. Go on a green walk

Children love having a sense of purpose. With gloves on and a bag, go on a ‘green walk’ to pick up any small bits of rubbish in the woods or a park near you. Going with other children and wearing hi-vis vests can make it even more fun for them.

At home, why not create and label recycling bins? They can

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The three ‘Rs’ are an excellent way to help children remember how to be sustainable most effectively.

Children also learn through singing – This Jack Johnson song is a great one they can learn to sing along to!

5. Make a compost container

Having the responsibility of looking after their own compost container can help children’s green habits.

This compost bottle activity is a great way to show composting in action.

6. Make homemade laundry products

Here’s a great recipe for homemade detergent to make and use at home.

7. Make a worm farm

Most children love watching worms at work! Even if you’re not the most enthusiastic worm-lover, you’ll find this easy eco-friendly activity great for teaching your kids all about recycling and taking care of the environment.

8. Do a water pollution experiment

Here’s a super simple activity that helps children understand that water pollution exists, even if we can’t see it.

9. Make a mini greenhouse

Plant the seed of sustainability with a mini greenhouse – a great way to recycle cups (in line with the 3 Rs!).

10. Make recycled paper

Making paper offers children a rich sensory play experience, too. Here’s a recipe to try at home.

11. Plant a garden

Children will get a huge sense of achievement from growing something from scratch and then being able to eat it afterwards! Teaching kids to do some gardeing also encourages those green fingers for later on in life.

12. Recyclable art

The 3Rs explored creatively through art – here are some ideas to get you started.

13. Explore nature

Whether by foot or on wheels, exploring nature is a beautiful way for children to gain respect for looking after the environment. On a rainy day the exploring can continue further afield via Google Earth maps! Komodo Island, the Great Barrier Reef or the Sea of Cortez are just a few to look at.

14. Read books about sustainability

As we’ve mentioned before, we’re great believers in increasing a child’s knowledge with books and stories. This is a fantastic list of 100 of the best books for children on sustainability.


These are just some of many activities to do with children to help them learn about the importance of sustainability.

At Wild.Kind., we focus on the positive impact we can have on the lives of young humans and their own positive impact on the world through:
• Vegetarian nutrition of mainly organic, seasonal and regional origin
• Care and compassion for ourselves and each other
• Awareness of nature, animals and our environment
• A sustainable approach to all materials and resources we use.

Are you interested in finding out more and potentially booking a place in the playschool for your child/children? Please contact us to organise a visit or to speak to our team.

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