The Philosophy of Wild.Kind.
This is the lengthiest text on our website but easily the most important! Your choice of playschool for your children is a crucial one and we understand that our philosophy is pivotal for your decision so have given you as much information as we can allow ourselves to ask you to read. So please make yourself comfortable, enjoy a sip of tea and take a moment of your time to read our words and decide whether our philosophy resonates with the values you wish your child to be cared for and equipped with.
Our core mission
Accompanying and encouraging children to playfully experience and learn in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive areas is our core mission. We provide children with an emotionally safe haven, giving them the space they need to develop individually and without pressure. The children are perceived in their uniqueness; accompanied and stimulated according to their level of development, to their needs and abilities.
The core aspects of our operational and pedagogical approach are:
• Respectful interaction with each other and with our environment
• Sustainability
• Closeness to nature
• Compassion-based learning
We also share and promote the passion for kind interaction with each other, with nature and all other inhabitants of this earth, whether two-, four- or even multi-legged. We encourage children to develop inquisitively and courageously through life, all in harmony with nature and the diversity it has to offer.
We attach importance to seasonal, regional and organic ingredients to provide a biologically valuable vegetarian diet for all the children. Research has shown that children’s earliest years of development are the most critical: during the first six years of their lives the brain is twice as active as that of an adult’s. 60% of nutrition is used by the brain during the first year of life. This decreases to 30% by age three. This is why what children eat is so crucial and why early learning exposure plays an essential role in fostering mental development. Good things from nature taste great and make us feel great!
Products and materials
Our hygiene products are all vegan and animal cruelty-free. The materials we use are recycled, ‘upcycled’ or from sustainable sources: by using non-prefabricated and natural play materials from wood we strive to promote children's own ideas, creativity and imagination. Children can giggle, rave and laugh - all whilst being kind, compassionate and 'green'.
Learning through play
Free, unstructured playtime gives children a chance to discover their interests and tap into their creativity. Free play-time is also skill-developing time. They can learn about themselves, their environment, make mistakes, get into a disagreement and learn how to deal with it and recover and they can learn how to figure things out. It is also a time where the carers and parents can offer guidance about skill-development and how to share. It’s a crucial element for building resilience in children: an attribute they’ll need in order to become fulfilled, productive adults. We believe that a happy and fulfilled child is one that finds something he/she loves to do, is generous, empathetic and compassionate, committed to respect the world and its inhabitants, shows creativity, grit and the ability to collaborate and can take constructive criticism. These skills will serve young people as they move into the world on their own.
We focus on the positive impact we can have on the lives of young humans and their own positive impact on the world through:
• Vegetarian nutrition of mainly organic, seasonal and regional origin
• Care and compassion for ourselves and each other
• Awareness of nature, animals and our environment
• A sustainable approach to all materials and resources we use
Children have the energy and curiosity most adults can only dream of! Therefore, we organise regular activities engaging with the local society, nature and our suppliers such as:
• Visits to the local farms
• Excursions to the forest to spot wild animals and plants
• Story-telling, baking sessions and other activities with elderly members of the community
• Visits to museums
Daily activities in mixed-age groups include:
• Painting and crafts
• Games in the garden
• Visits to the local playgrounds
• Walks
• Singing and dancing
The mixed-age approach enables children the development in the most diverse areas – children learn from children!